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Iwakuni Pictures

This is just a few of the more recent photos taken in Iwakuni.  This page was updated May 5, 2004.  You may need to give these a moment to load until I get around to re-sizing everything.

Jon & Mom

Here's Jon & Mommy on his 2nd Birthday with his 2 Elmos!  Elmo #2 was a birthday present that says Jonathan's name in his sentences.  As soon as Jon saw it, he had to give it a BIG hug then run and get his other Elmo as well.  These two Elmos have become fast friends and tend to go everywhere together!


May 5, 2004--Here Jon is just hanging around on the bench on our balcony.


May 5, 2004--Just hanging around in the park.


May 5, 2004--Again, just hanging out on the balcony.

Hiding in the Trees


Picture 6


Picture 7